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Former Bears linebacker Brian Urlacher wants to keep playing. ?The problem is that he needs a team.
And his objective in looking for a new team is simple.
?I?m an old fart, so I want to go in there and win,? Urlacher told The Dan Patrick Show earlier in the hour.
But Urlacher is pragmatic. ??Maybe nobody wants me,? Urlacher said. ??But we?re gonna find out.?
He thinks that more teams hadn?t shown interest because no one really believed he?d leave Chicago. ?And Urlacher said that his agents have spoken to the Vikings, Cowboys, and Cardinals since Urlacher hit the open market.
Playing in a 4-3 defense isn?t a prerequisite. ??I think I could learn a 3-4,? Urlacher said, before addressing the possibility of trying to replace Ray Lewis in Baltimore with a ?no thanks.?
At this point, the only thing Urlacher or anyone else knows is that Urlacher won?t be a Bear. ??I really don?t think they wanted me back,? Urlacher said, adding that he believes the team?s one-year, $2 million effort is now ?gone.?
Though the money (or lack thereof) drove the decision, Urlacher believes that the move was rooted in the coaching change. ?Urlacher explained that, if Lovie Smith were still the head coach, Urlacher would still be a Bear.
At some point, the Bears presumably will welcome Urlacher back for a jersey retirement or some other ceremony to celebrate his career.
?What if i don?t go back?? Urlacher joked. ??What if i don?t want to go back??
Surely, he?ll want to go back at the appropriate time. ?The question for now is whether he?ll find an appropriate fit.
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This photo provided by the Pottawatomie County Sheriff's Department shows Kenneth Chaffin. Oklahoma authorities say they've issued an alert to national law enforcement to be on the lookout for a 17-year-old boy who left home with guns, up to 2,000 rounds of ammunition and prescription drugs. (AP Photo/Pottawatomie County Sheriif's Department)
This photo provided by the Pottawatomie County Sheriff's Department shows Kenneth Chaffin. Oklahoma authorities say they've issued an alert to national law enforcement to be on the lookout for a 17-year-old boy who left home with guns, up to 2,000 rounds of ammunition and prescription drugs. (AP Photo/Pottawatomie County Sheriif's Department)
MAYPEARL, Texas (AP) ? A Texas sheriff said Thursday that he does not expect any charges will be filed against a man who opened fire on two heavily armed Oklahoma teenagers during an attempted home invasion on his ranch.
Kenneth Chaffin, 17, and Dillon King, 18 ? both of Bethel Acres, Okla. ? died Wednesday afternoon in Maypearl, Texas, authorities said. Their bodies have been sent for autopsies.
Ellis County Sheriff Johnny Brown said that officials think both teens died of self-inflicted gunshot wounds, but said that the homeowner fired two deer rifles and struck one of the teens.
"I'm thoroughly convinced that had they not had a way to defend themselves, it would have turned out a different direction," Brown said.
Early Wednesday, Oklahoma sheriff's officials issued an alert for national law enforcement to be on the lookout for Chaffin, who they said ran away Monday from his home, which is about 35 miles southeast of Oklahoma City. The alert said he had stolen his parents' red 1991 Ford Ranger pickup truck, a stash of prescription medication, 17 guns and 2,000 rounds of ammunition.
On Wednesday afternoon, a homeowner in Maypearl ? 35 miles south of Dallas and some 240 miles south of Bethel Acres ? noticed someone was trying to open her back door. She looked out the window and saw an armed man in a camouflage vest. Brown said that the woman called her husband, who was elsewhere but returned home shortly thereafter.
As the two suspects fled toward a field, they fired at the home, which is located in the middle of a fenced-off ranch with donkeys grazing outside.
"The house is full of holes," Brown said.
The husband returned fire and the woman called 911. Sheriff's deputies found one suspect dead in the field and the other inside the stolen pickup truck. No one else was hurt.
Much of the roads leading up to the home are dirt or gravel. Brown said authorities do not know why the teens came to that house.
"Unfortunately, the answers to those questions died when they did, because we don't have a clue why they were out there in that area," Brown said. "It's beyond me why they would be that far out other than they were looking to take something, or do harm."
Pottawatomie County, Okla., Undersheriff J.T. Palmer said Chaffin and King were identified through photographs and because King had distinctive tattoos on the webbing of his fingers.
The teens lived about a mile apart in Bethel Acres but authorities had no idea the two were together when Chaffin was reported missing, Palmer said, adding that King was not reported missing.
"We didn't actually know there was a second one until we got the call from Ellis County, Texas, that two suspects were killed," Palmer said.
Chaffin's father, Roland Chaffin, told The Oklahoman that his son had never been in trouble with the law and had no family problems before he ran away.
"Kenneth was a follower, not a leader. That's what we figure. He followed someone and got in over his head," Roland Chaffin said.
Palmer said Wednesday that Kenneth Chaffin had taken nine handguns, six rifles and two shotguns from his parents' home.
"My son's not an angel. I'm not saying that he is," Roland Chaffin told the newspaper. "But the Kenneth we know was not capable of this."
Associated Press writers Justin Juozapavicius in Tulsa, Okla., Ken Miller in Oklahoma City, Jill Bleed in Little Rock, Ark., and Terry Wallace in Dallas contributed to this report.
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By Andy Sullivan
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - As the government prepares for years of austerity, a bipartisan group of senators is aiming to give the agency that maintains ports and waterways extraordinary protection from budget cuts.
The Army Corps of Engineers, best known for its flood-protection role in hurricane-prone areas such as Louisiana, is also responsible for keeping the nation's ports and rivers open for cargo traffic.
Democrats and Republicans on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee unanimously approved a bill on Wednesday that would prohibit Congress from cutting the Corps' budget unless lawmakers could muster a three-fifths vote. Such a hurdle is not required to cut funding at other agencies, from the Defense Department to the FBI.
The move to fence off Corps funding contrasts with the prevailing appetite for spending restraint in Congress.
"I've never seen anything like this," said Steve Ellis, an analyst at the watchdog group Taxpayers for Common Sense. "It's basically saying everything the Corps does is more important than anything else."
The bill apparently would not prevent the Corps from absorbing its share of the across-the-board "sequester" cuts that agencies will have to absorb in coming months. But it would protect the agency from the severe budget pressures that the government will face in coming years as tight spending caps take hold and Republicans push for further cuts to domestic programs.
The legislation was unveiled by Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer and Republican Senator David Vitter on Monday, two days before it was approved unanimously by the committee. It could come up for a vote on the Senate floor in April. Lawmakers in the Republican-controlled House of Representatives have not begun to draft their own version of the bill.
Backers of the legislation say it would protect Corps programs that create thousands of jobs and ensure that the agency will continue to pursue ambitious public-works projects.
The Army Corps plays a crucial role in Vitter's home state of Louisiana, where it is responsible for keeping open some of the nation's largest ports and building levees that protect low-lying areas from hurricanes and rising sea levels.
The Corps' defenses failed to protect New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina in 2005, when widespread levee failures led to flooding of the city. Since then, the Corps has spent about $14 billion to rebuild the system. The Corps also has been involved in efforts to help New Jersey and New York recover from Hurricane Sandy, which devastated that region last fall.
The funding measure is tucked into the Water Resources Development Act of 2013, a 284-page bill that authorizes billions of dollars worth of water-infrastructure projects, from flood control to environmental restoration.
Vitter staff members say the Corps' dredging operations are especially crucial, as too-shallow waterways can hurt commerce in the 30 states that rely on the Mississippi River system to ship cargo. The worst U.S. drought in a half century has threatened shipping on the river this past winter.
The bill would increase the Corps' dredging activities by ensuring that taxes levied on shipping companies for that purpose aren't used elsewhere. The harbor-dredging fund currently collects more than it spends, and the U.S. government has been using the surplus for other projects.
Vitter worries that other lawmakers could make up for the loss of the surplus harbor-dredging money by cutting other Corps projects.
"Currently the administration's standard of managing the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund is robbing Peter to pay Paul," he said in a statement.
A spokeswoman for Boxer, who represents California, did not respond to requests for comment. The Army Corps also declined to comment.
The Army Corps would apparently still be affected by the across-the-board "sequester" cuts that will pare government spending by $85 billion this year. The Senate bill also would not apply to the emergency spending that causes the Corps budget to fluctuate dramatically from one year to the next, so lawmakers would not be locked in to an artificially high level of spending after a disaster like Hurricane Katrina.
But the increased spending on harbor maintenance - and the heightened protections for other Corps funding - mean that other areas would have to be cut further to comply with the spending caps imposed by the Budget Control Act of 2011, according to a Senate Democratic aide.
That would mean less money for energy research, education, veterans aid or other types of domestic spending.
One Republican budget analyst called the bill "offensive" and said it could establish a troublesome standard for other lawmakers seeking to protect their favored projects.
"Saying, 'You can't cut the Corps of Engineers budget,' is not practical in this Congress. It sets an interesting precedent for other agencies," said Jim Dyer, a former top Republican staff member on the House of Representatives Appropriations Committee.
Meanwhile, green groups that want the Corps to give greater consideration to environmental concerns are questioning why the agency should be immune from budget pressures.
"The Corps shouldn't be an anomaly when all other agencies are facing austerity measures," said George Sorvalis, who heads the National Wildlife Federation's water-resources program.
(Editing by David Lindsey and Claudia Parsons)
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Contact: Kimberly Allen
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Decades of research and three large-scale clinical trials have so far failed to yield an effective HIV vaccine, in large part because the virus evolves so rapidly that it can evade any vaccine-induced immune response.
Researchers from the Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard University have now developed a new approach to vaccine design that may allow them to cut off those evolutionary escape routes. The researchers have developed and experimentally validated a computational method that can analyze viral protein sequences to determine how well different viral strains can reproduce in the body. That knowledge gives researchers an unprecedented guide for identifying viral vulnerabilities that could be exploited to design successful vaccine targets.
The team, led by Arup Chakraborty, the Robert T. Haslam Professor of Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Physics and Biological Engineering at MIT, has designed protein fragments (peptides) that would target these weaknesses. Ragon Institute researchers are now developing ways to deliver the peptides so they can be tested in animals.
"We think that, if it continues to be validated against laboratory and clinical data, this method could be quite useful for rational design of the active component of a vaccine for diverse viruses. Furthermore, if delivered properly, the peptides we have designed may be able to mount potent responses against HIV across a population," says Chakraborty, who is also the director of MIT's Institute for Medical Engineering and Science.
Chakraborty and his colleagues describe their findings in the March 21 issue of the journal Immunity. Lead author of the paper is Andrew Ferguson, a former postdoc in Chakraborty's lab who is now an assistant professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Other authors are Bruce Walker, director of the Ragon Institute and a professor at Harvard Medical School; Thumbi Ndung'u of the Ragon Institute and the Doris Duke Medical Research Institute in South Africa; and Jaclyn Mann and Saleha Omarjee of the Doris Duke Medical Research Institute.
"This work stems from the novel approach to science that is the central mission of the Ragon Institute: to draw researchers from diverse scientific disciplines to catalyze new advances, the ultimate mission being to harness the immune system to prevent and cure human diseases," Walker says.
Rapid evolution
Typically when a vaccine for a disease such as smallpox or polio is given, exposure to viral fragments primes the body's immune system to respond powerfully if it encounters the real virus. With HIV, it appears that when immune cells in a vaccinated person attack viral peptides that they recognize, the virus quickly mutates its protein sequences so immune cells no longer recognize them.
To overcome this, scientists have tried analyzing viral proteins to find amino acids that don't often mutate, which would suggest that they are critical to the virus's survival. However, this approach ignores the fact that mutations elsewhere in the protein can compensate when those seemingly critical amino acids are forced to evolve, Chakraborty says.
The Ragon Institute team focused on defining how the virus's ability to survive depends on the sequences of its proteins, if they have multiple mutations. This knowledge could enable identification of combinations of amino acid mutations that are harmful to the virus. Vaccines that target those amino acids would force the virus to make mutations that weaken it.
With existing HIV protein sequence data as input, the researchers created a computer model that can predict the fitness of any possible sequence, enabling prediction of how specific mutations would affect the virus.
In this paper, the researchers focused on an HIV polyprotein called Gag, which is made up of several proteins that together are 500 amino acids long. The proteins derived from Gag are important structural elements of the virus. For example, a protein called p24 makes up the capsid that surrounds the virus's genetic material.
Each position in HIV proteins can be occupied by one of 20 possible amino acids. Sequence data from thousands of different HIV strains contain information on the likelihood of mutations at each position and each pair of positions, as well as for triplets and larger groups. The researchers then developed a computer model based on spin glass models, originally developed in physics, to translate this information into predictions for the prevalence of any mutant.
Using this model, the researchers can enter any possible sequence of Gag proteins and determine how prevalent it will be. That prevalence correlates with the fitness of a virus carrying that particular protein sequence, a relationship that the researchers demonstrated by using the model to predict the fitness of a few dozen Gag protein sequences, and verified by engineering those sequences into HIV viruses and testing their ability to replicate in cells grown in the lab. They also tested their predictions against human clinical data.
Visualizing fitness
The model also allows the researchers to visualize viral fitness using "fitness landscapes" topographical maps that show how fit the virus is for different possible amino-acid sequences for the Gag proteins. In these landscapes, each hill represents sequences that are very fit; valleys represent sequences that are not.
Ideally, vaccine-induced immune responses would target viral proteins in such a way that mutant strains that escape the immune response correspond to the fitness valleys. Thus, the virus would either be destroyed by the immune response or forced to mutate to strains that cannot replicate well and are less able to infect more cells.
This would mimic the immune response mounted by people known as "elite controllers," who are exposed to the virus but able to control it without medication. Immune cells in those people target the same peptide sequences that the model predicted would produce the biggest loss of fitness when mutated.
This general approach could also be used to identify vaccine targets for other viruses, Chakraborty says.
"The reason we are excited about this is that we now have a method that combines two technologies that are getting cheaper all the time: sequencing and computation," he says. "We think that if this continues to be validated, it could become a general method of obtaining the fitness landscapes of viruses, allowing you to do rational design of the active components of vaccines."
"This work is a great example of how integrating expertise from different scientific disciplines in this case physics, computational biology, virology and immunology can accelerate progress toward an HIV vaccine," Walker says.
Written by Anne Trafton, MIT News Office
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
Contact: Kimberly Allen
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Decades of research and three large-scale clinical trials have so far failed to yield an effective HIV vaccine, in large part because the virus evolves so rapidly that it can evade any vaccine-induced immune response.
Researchers from the Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard University have now developed a new approach to vaccine design that may allow them to cut off those evolutionary escape routes. The researchers have developed and experimentally validated a computational method that can analyze viral protein sequences to determine how well different viral strains can reproduce in the body. That knowledge gives researchers an unprecedented guide for identifying viral vulnerabilities that could be exploited to design successful vaccine targets.
The team, led by Arup Chakraborty, the Robert T. Haslam Professor of Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Physics and Biological Engineering at MIT, has designed protein fragments (peptides) that would target these weaknesses. Ragon Institute researchers are now developing ways to deliver the peptides so they can be tested in animals.
"We think that, if it continues to be validated against laboratory and clinical data, this method could be quite useful for rational design of the active component of a vaccine for diverse viruses. Furthermore, if delivered properly, the peptides we have designed may be able to mount potent responses against HIV across a population," says Chakraborty, who is also the director of MIT's Institute for Medical Engineering and Science.
Chakraborty and his colleagues describe their findings in the March 21 issue of the journal Immunity. Lead author of the paper is Andrew Ferguson, a former postdoc in Chakraborty's lab who is now an assistant professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Other authors are Bruce Walker, director of the Ragon Institute and a professor at Harvard Medical School; Thumbi Ndung'u of the Ragon Institute and the Doris Duke Medical Research Institute in South Africa; and Jaclyn Mann and Saleha Omarjee of the Doris Duke Medical Research Institute.
"This work stems from the novel approach to science that is the central mission of the Ragon Institute: to draw researchers from diverse scientific disciplines to catalyze new advances, the ultimate mission being to harness the immune system to prevent and cure human diseases," Walker says.
Rapid evolution
Typically when a vaccine for a disease such as smallpox or polio is given, exposure to viral fragments primes the body's immune system to respond powerfully if it encounters the real virus. With HIV, it appears that when immune cells in a vaccinated person attack viral peptides that they recognize, the virus quickly mutates its protein sequences so immune cells no longer recognize them.
To overcome this, scientists have tried analyzing viral proteins to find amino acids that don't often mutate, which would suggest that they are critical to the virus's survival. However, this approach ignores the fact that mutations elsewhere in the protein can compensate when those seemingly critical amino acids are forced to evolve, Chakraborty says.
The Ragon Institute team focused on defining how the virus's ability to survive depends on the sequences of its proteins, if they have multiple mutations. This knowledge could enable identification of combinations of amino acid mutations that are harmful to the virus. Vaccines that target those amino acids would force the virus to make mutations that weaken it.
With existing HIV protein sequence data as input, the researchers created a computer model that can predict the fitness of any possible sequence, enabling prediction of how specific mutations would affect the virus.
In this paper, the researchers focused on an HIV polyprotein called Gag, which is made up of several proteins that together are 500 amino acids long. The proteins derived from Gag are important structural elements of the virus. For example, a protein called p24 makes up the capsid that surrounds the virus's genetic material.
Each position in HIV proteins can be occupied by one of 20 possible amino acids. Sequence data from thousands of different HIV strains contain information on the likelihood of mutations at each position and each pair of positions, as well as for triplets and larger groups. The researchers then developed a computer model based on spin glass models, originally developed in physics, to translate this information into predictions for the prevalence of any mutant.
Using this model, the researchers can enter any possible sequence of Gag proteins and determine how prevalent it will be. That prevalence correlates with the fitness of a virus carrying that particular protein sequence, a relationship that the researchers demonstrated by using the model to predict the fitness of a few dozen Gag protein sequences, and verified by engineering those sequences into HIV viruses and testing their ability to replicate in cells grown in the lab. They also tested their predictions against human clinical data.
Visualizing fitness
The model also allows the researchers to visualize viral fitness using "fitness landscapes" topographical maps that show how fit the virus is for different possible amino-acid sequences for the Gag proteins. In these landscapes, each hill represents sequences that are very fit; valleys represent sequences that are not.
Ideally, vaccine-induced immune responses would target viral proteins in such a way that mutant strains that escape the immune response correspond to the fitness valleys. Thus, the virus would either be destroyed by the immune response or forced to mutate to strains that cannot replicate well and are less able to infect more cells.
This would mimic the immune response mounted by people known as "elite controllers," who are exposed to the virus but able to control it without medication. Immune cells in those people target the same peptide sequences that the model predicted would produce the biggest loss of fitness when mutated.
This general approach could also be used to identify vaccine targets for other viruses, Chakraborty says.
"The reason we are excited about this is that we now have a method that combines two technologies that are getting cheaper all the time: sequencing and computation," he says. "We think that if this continues to be validated, it could become a general method of obtaining the fitness landscapes of viruses, allowing you to do rational design of the active components of vaccines."
"This work is a great example of how integrating expertise from different scientific disciplines in this case physics, computational biology, virology and immunology can accelerate progress toward an HIV vaccine," Walker says.
Written by Anne Trafton, MIT News Office
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
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Contact: Kim Polacek
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute
Researchers at Moffitt Cancer Center and colleagues in Canada have published study results focused on black women younger than 50, a population disproportionately afflicted with and dying from early-onset breast cancer compared to their white counterparts. The research published in the Jan. 16 issue of The Breast Journal.
Early-onset breast cancer has been associated with mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. These breast cancer predisposing genes were discovered almost 20 years ago and confer a lifetime risk of breast cancer of 60 to 70 percent, as well as a much higher risk of a second primary breast cancer compared to noncarriers. The researchers suggest that genetic counseling and BRCA testing can reduce cancer incidence and mortality in those identified with mutations.
"We need to better understand why black women develop early-onset, aggressive disease," said study co-author Tuya Pal, M.D., associate member of the Cancer Epidemiology Program at Moffitt. "More research may be needed to help us develop strategies to reduce this disparity."
According to prior studies, few young black women undergo genetic testing, despite the known association between BRCA mutations and breast cancer. And when black women develop breast cancer, their family history and financial status may influence their treatment choices, such as bilateral mastectomy surgery to prevent future cancer.
"Black women continue to be underrepresented in studies of the genetic causes of breast cancer," said study co-author Susan T. Vadaparampil, Ph.D., M.P.H., a behavioral scientist in the Health Outcomes and Behavior Program at Moffitt. "However, our efforts in the state of Florida demonstrate that these women are willing to participate in studies focused on the genetic causes of cancer."
Their study, carried out using the Florida state cancer registry, surveyed black women 50 and younger with breast cancer who resided in one of four Florida counties between 2005 and 2006 and conducted BRCA testing in 46 participants.
Participants and nonparticipants were similar in clinical and sociodemographic characteristics, suggesting that a representative sample was recruited, enhancing the generalizability of findings, the researchers reported. All participants received telephone-based pre-test genetic counseling during which a three-generation family history was generated.
"Through our study, we determined that 34 participants met national guidelines for BRCA testing, but only 13 reported that their health care providers referred them for genetic counseling and/or testing," Pal said. "A genetic evaluation is important in at-risk women, and is important for decision-making in the pre-surgical setting for patients, due to the high risk for second primary breast cancer in those with BRCA mutations."
Analysis also found that among BRCA mutation carriers, there was an association between those who chose bilateral mastectomy and with those with a family history of breast cancer and higher household income. The researchers noted that the association between bilateral mastectomy and family history suggests that genetic information may be considered by patients and providers when deciding on type of surgery, despite lack of referral for genetic counseling and consideration of BRCA testing. Interestingly, said the researchers, bilateral mastectomy was more common in those with higher incomes, and further study into this association is warranted.
"Our study found that the BRCA mutation prevalence in younger black women is similar to previous studies, yet our findings demonstrated that the majority are not referred for genetic counseling and/or BRCA testing, despite most meeting national practice guidelines for BRCA testing," Vadaparampil said. "This may represent a missed clinical opportunity."
The researchers have used their study as the foundation for additional outreach, education and research efforts by the research team and their community partners. This research has also helped the study authors secure additional grants to conduct a larger Florida-wide study focused on young black women, examine the impact of genetic counseling and testing on quality of life in participants, and promote awareness of inherited breast cancer in black women throughout Florida and beyond. As part of these efforts, a culturally targeted brochure designed to increase awareness about inherited breast cancer has been developed and sent to more than 15,000 women.
This work was funded through Komen Foundation (POP0600964) and Florida Department of Health (IBG10-34199) grants.
About Moffitt Cancer Center
Located in Tampa, Moffitt is one of only 41 National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Centers, a distinction that recognizes Moffitt's excellence in research, its contributions to clinical trials, prevention and cancer control. Since 1999, Moffitt has been listed in U.S. News & World Report as one of "America's Best Hospitals" for cancer. With more than 4,200 employees, Moffitt has an economic impact on the state of nearly $2 billion. For more information, visit, and follow the Moffitt momentum on Facebook, twitter and YouTube.
Media release by Florida Science Communications
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
Contact: Kim Polacek
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute
Researchers at Moffitt Cancer Center and colleagues in Canada have published study results focused on black women younger than 50, a population disproportionately afflicted with and dying from early-onset breast cancer compared to their white counterparts. The research published in the Jan. 16 issue of The Breast Journal.
Early-onset breast cancer has been associated with mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. These breast cancer predisposing genes were discovered almost 20 years ago and confer a lifetime risk of breast cancer of 60 to 70 percent, as well as a much higher risk of a second primary breast cancer compared to noncarriers. The researchers suggest that genetic counseling and BRCA testing can reduce cancer incidence and mortality in those identified with mutations.
"We need to better understand why black women develop early-onset, aggressive disease," said study co-author Tuya Pal, M.D., associate member of the Cancer Epidemiology Program at Moffitt. "More research may be needed to help us develop strategies to reduce this disparity."
According to prior studies, few young black women undergo genetic testing, despite the known association between BRCA mutations and breast cancer. And when black women develop breast cancer, their family history and financial status may influence their treatment choices, such as bilateral mastectomy surgery to prevent future cancer.
"Black women continue to be underrepresented in studies of the genetic causes of breast cancer," said study co-author Susan T. Vadaparampil, Ph.D., M.P.H., a behavioral scientist in the Health Outcomes and Behavior Program at Moffitt. "However, our efforts in the state of Florida demonstrate that these women are willing to participate in studies focused on the genetic causes of cancer."
Their study, carried out using the Florida state cancer registry, surveyed black women 50 and younger with breast cancer who resided in one of four Florida counties between 2005 and 2006 and conducted BRCA testing in 46 participants.
Participants and nonparticipants were similar in clinical and sociodemographic characteristics, suggesting that a representative sample was recruited, enhancing the generalizability of findings, the researchers reported. All participants received telephone-based pre-test genetic counseling during which a three-generation family history was generated.
"Through our study, we determined that 34 participants met national guidelines for BRCA testing, but only 13 reported that their health care providers referred them for genetic counseling and/or testing," Pal said. "A genetic evaluation is important in at-risk women, and is important for decision-making in the pre-surgical setting for patients, due to the high risk for second primary breast cancer in those with BRCA mutations."
Analysis also found that among BRCA mutation carriers, there was an association between those who chose bilateral mastectomy and with those with a family history of breast cancer and higher household income. The researchers noted that the association between bilateral mastectomy and family history suggests that genetic information may be considered by patients and providers when deciding on type of surgery, despite lack of referral for genetic counseling and consideration of BRCA testing. Interestingly, said the researchers, bilateral mastectomy was more common in those with higher incomes, and further study into this association is warranted.
"Our study found that the BRCA mutation prevalence in younger black women is similar to previous studies, yet our findings demonstrated that the majority are not referred for genetic counseling and/or BRCA testing, despite most meeting national practice guidelines for BRCA testing," Vadaparampil said. "This may represent a missed clinical opportunity."
The researchers have used their study as the foundation for additional outreach, education and research efforts by the research team and their community partners. This research has also helped the study authors secure additional grants to conduct a larger Florida-wide study focused on young black women, examine the impact of genetic counseling and testing on quality of life in participants, and promote awareness of inherited breast cancer in black women throughout Florida and beyond. As part of these efforts, a culturally targeted brochure designed to increase awareness about inherited breast cancer has been developed and sent to more than 15,000 women.
This work was funded through Komen Foundation (POP0600964) and Florida Department of Health (IBG10-34199) grants.
About Moffitt Cancer Center
Located in Tampa, Moffitt is one of only 41 National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Centers, a distinction that recognizes Moffitt's excellence in research, its contributions to clinical trials, prevention and cancer control. Since 1999, Moffitt has been listed in U.S. News & World Report as one of "America's Best Hospitals" for cancer. With more than 4,200 employees, Moffitt has an economic impact on the state of nearly $2 billion. For more information, visit, and follow the Moffitt momentum on Facebook, twitter and YouTube.
Media release by Florida Science Communications
AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
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Workfare: doesn?t work and not fair. Photo: Howard Jones
Yesterday, aside from a few votes against, Labour lined up with Conservative and Lib Dems to enable the workfare bill to go through by abstaining. Not only did politicians enable a retroactive law be enacted, they also deprived 225,000 people of justice, effectively robbing ?130 million in welfare payments people were lawfully due.But don?t get mad, get even. A4e is one of the biggest beneficiaries of Government welfare policy. In 2011 the company turnover was ?180 million, 100% of which came from the public coffers. Out of this the bosses shared out ?11 million between them. Today is their turn.
A4e have a catastrophic record of failing to meet even the paltry minimum targets set by the Department for Work and Pensions for finding people jobs on the workfare scheme, the Work Programme. You have more chance of finding a job without their bullying ?back to work? tactics.
Not content with what amounts to the officially sanctioned scam of lucrative welfare to work contracts from their friends in Government there are numerous accusations of fraud against them, where records are apparently falsified, so that they can claim even more public money for not doing their job. They are further subsidised by the public by their use of mandatory unpaid labour within the company as well. The costs of Workfare are socialised while the profits are privatised.
We are asking everyone to make their voice heard once more. Contact A4e and complain about their involvement in Workfare.
The aim is to shut down their communications as much as possible, to reclaim some of the time we have paid for with our taxes and distract them from hassling unemployed and disabled people for a while. They may not listen to individual complaints, but they will take notice when they can?t do their day-to-day activities for the sheer volume of complaints coming in! Be polite.
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To help pay for the $13 billion European bailout, the government plans to take up to 10 percent from all savings accounts, angering those who say they aren't responsible for the economic crisis. CNBC's Sue Herera reports.
By Alastair Jamieson, Staff writer, NBC News
Cyprus's parliament overwhelmingly rejected a proposed levy on bank deposits as a condition for a European bailout on Tuesday, plunging one of the smallest European states closer to financial oblivion.
The rejection, with 36 votes against, 19 abstentions and one absence, brought Cyprus to the brink of financial meltdown.
But jubilant crowds outside parliament broke into applause, chanting: "Cyprus belongs to its people."
"The voice of the people was heard," said Andreas Miltiadou, a 65-year-old pensioner among the demonstrators.
The European Central Bank said it was in contact with its IMF and EU partners and remained committed to providing liquidity within certain limits.
"The ECB takes note of the decision of the Cypriot parliament and is in contact with its troika partners," the bank said in a statement, according to Reuters. "The ECB reaffirms its commitment to provide liquidity as needed within the existing rules."
The widely criticized bailout deal looked set to collapse despite a last-minute compromise attempt Tuesday.
The European deal could also be scuppered by a furious Russia, which is one of the biggest foreign investors in Cyprus and which stands to be among the biggest losers.
Reuters said the situation had ?potentially severe consequences for the rest of the troubled euro zone.?
One analyst told CNBC Russia might even seek revenge by disrupting energy supplies to Europe. Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday?criticized the bailout as "unfair, unprofessional and dangerous."
There were media reports that Cypriot Finance Minister Michael Sarris, who was in Moscow Tuesday, had resigned, but he told Reuters by text message that there was "no truth" to the claim, which had further rattled nerves over the crisis.
Cypriots awoke Saturday to the surprise announcement that up to 10 per cent of their bank account deposits might be seized as part of a $13 billion rescue package agreed by the European Union countries and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Banks on the Mediterranean island have been ordered to remain closed until Thursday amid fears of a massive rush to withdraw deposits in advance of the deal, further precipitating a financial collapse that could cause an economic ripple effect throughout the region and beyond.
Thousands withdrew savings over the weekend, emptying ATMs and sending global money markets into a steep dive.
Panicos Demetriades, chief of the country's central bank, told the Cypriot parliament's finance committee Tuesday that banks stand to lose more than 10 percent of their deposit base within a matter of days if a levy on bank deposits is imposed.
The European bailout has been widely criticized by commentators. In an editorial, Bloomberg said it was the ?worst? decision of the entire regional financial crisis, while the Economist panned it as "unfair, short-sighted and self-defeating."
Cypriot and euro-zone officials sought to soften the initially proposed levy of up to 9.9 percent, ensuring that deposits below the value of $25,000 were not affected, in order to ease the burden on small savers and overcome lawmaker opposition, CNBC reported.
Adding to the uncertainty,?Greek media reports have suggested Russian energy giant Gazprom?might offer Cyprus an alternative bailout deal.
Russian citizens account for the majority of the billions of euros held in Cypriot banks by foreign depositors, and Moscow has already given the Mediterranean country a sovereign loan to ease its financial crisis.
Steve Keen, professor of economics and finance at Australia's University of Western Sydney, told CNBC that Russia could retaliate against the perceived proxy attack on its citizens and their money.
"If you try to target the Russians, and there's President Putin acting under the image of the 'strong man' of Russia, why would he not then decide to shut down gas supplies to Germany until that was righted?" he said.
?If you're going to attack money laundering then attack it directly, don't make Cypriot peasants and small businessmen collateral in your campaign against Russian oligarchs. Declare the campaign rather than doing it under the carpet like this too," he added.
Reuters and NBC News' Ian Johnston contributed to this report.
Cyprus bailout backlash poses little wider risk - for now
Photoblog: 'Hands off' say Cypriot protesters to EU bailout plan
Full business coverage from NBC News
This story was originally published on Tue Mar 19, 2013 9:01 AM EDT
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By Andy Sullivan
WICHITA, Kansas (Reuters) - First came the recession, throwing thousands out of work. Then came the drought, choking crops and draining reservoirs. Then came the president, arguing that the private-plane buyers who fuel this city's economy benefit from an unfair tax break.
President Barack Obama's proposal to reduce that tax break has won wide support among Democrats who see it as an example of how the U.S. tax code is too generous to the wealthy.
But what looks like a loophole in Washington appears much different in this prairie city of 400,000, where leaders of all political stripes worry that Obama's rhetoric is already undermining an industry that accounts for 1 in 10 jobs in the region.
"I'm certainly disappointed that he would do something of this nature," said Wichita Mayor Carl Brewer, a Democrat who displays Obama's portrait on his office wall. "As long as you're doing something to threaten my aviation industry ... I'll continue to speak out against it."
Brewer's vow could serve as an early warning for Obama and lawmakers in Congress as they try to streamline the U.S. tax code in order to lower rates or narrow trillion-dollar deficits.
The idea of eliminating perks in the nation's tax laws may sound appealing in the abstract. But many changes - particularly to provisions that have helped to create jobs - are likely to spur bipartisan blowback from places like Wichita that are still struggling to emerge from the country's deepest recession in 80 years.
In Wichita, a city that bills itself as the "Air Capital of the World," business and labor leaders are questioning why a president who bailed out Detroit's auto industry seems less concerned about the impact his words might have on another manufacturing industry that employs 1.2 million people and exported $4.8 billion worth of aircraft last year.
"It's so frustrating," said Republican Representative Mike Pompeo, who represents the region in Congress. "All the aviation manufacturers want is for him to stop talking down their industry. Don't write them a check, don't give them a tax credit, don't hand them a subsidy. Stop bashing them."
The International Association of Machinists, a labor union with close ties to Obama's Democrats, has warned that Obama's push to raise taxes on private-plane buyers could undermine his efforts to boost the economy.
Obama's allies say that it is only fair to ask affluent private-plane buyers to pay a bit more in taxes at a time when social programs that help the poor are facing sharp cutbacks.
"These things don't exist in a vacuum, and you have to balance the benefits with the costs," said Michael Linden, director of tax and budget policy at the Center for American Progress, a liberal think tank. "Why should (jet tax breaks) be prioritized over, say, nutrition assistance to low-income families and pregnant women?"
Aviation has been a central part of Wichita's economy since the first commercially built aircraft in the United States were produced here in the 1920s.
Home-grown companies such as Cessna, Beechcraft and Learjet spurred development of the private-aircraft market after World War II. Alongside large-plane makers such as Boeing, they anchor a local network of more than 200 machine shops and other parts suppliers.
Wichita now has the highest concentration of aerospace manufacturing jobs in the United States, according to Wichita State University economics professor Jeremy Hill.
Those jobs pay well: The industry's average annual wage of $74,000 is nearly twice the regional average.
The city produces nearly half of all private aircraft worldwide. According to the nonpartisan Brookings Institution, exports account for nearly 20 percent of Wichita's gross metropolitan product, making it the most export-intensive city in the United States. Brewer and other civic leaders hope to boost exports further in coming years as China loosens its airspace restrictions and allows the country's newly minted billionaires to fly in style.
Private-aircraft sales have always risen and fallen along with the economy, but the 2008 recession proved especially severe.
Sales fell by 29 percent from 2008 to 2011, and the lower end of the market was hit especially hard as small-business buyers were unable to get bank loans, said aviation analyst Richard Aboulafia.
In Wichita, Hawker Beechcraft filed for bankruptcy and Textron Inc unit Cessna laid off 12,000 workers, two-thirds of its local workforce. The unemployment rate climbed to 10.6 percent in July 2009 from 3.5 percent in October 2007.
Meanwhile, Wichita's main product was taking on unwelcome political baggage.
After auto executives were widely criticized for flying their corporate planes to Washington to ask for a bailout in 2008, the business jet came to symbolize corporate excess.
As the recession hammered Washington's balance sheet, Republicans pressed for deep spending cuts to narrow budget deficits that amounted to more than $1 trillion annually. Democrats countered with a proposal to raise revenue by eliminating some of the subsidies and breaks in the tax code that collectively deprive the government of more than $1 trillion in tax revenue each year.
One item on their list: reducing the tax benefits given to those who buy planes for business uses.
Obama has framed the choice in the starkest possible terms.
"Are Republicans in Congress really willing to let these cuts fall on our kids' schools and mental healthcare just to protect tax loopholes for corporate jet owners?" he asked in a radio address on February 23.
Such rhetoric initially caught industry officials by surprise.
"The first time we heard 'corporate jet loophole' we couldn't figure out what they were talking about," said Ed Bolen, who heads the National Business Aviation Association.
The U.S. tax code treats private aircraft as it does bulldozers, computers and other business equipment: Companies that buy them are allowed to deduct the cost from their tax bill over five years. The deduction applies only to planes used for business purposes.
The depreciation schedule has been in place for decades. It is supposed to reflect how long a product will be useful to a business. But private planes and factory machinery can be used for decades, while computers and mobile phones can become obsolete before the five-year depreciation period expires.
Obama and his Democrats say the depreciation schedule for corporate jets should be stretched out to seven years, to treat private-aircraft purchases like commercial airliner purchases.
That would effectively raise the cost of buying a private plane because customers would be able to deduct just 14.29 percent of the price from their tax bill in the year of purchase, rather than the 20 percent that current law allows.
The change would generate an additional $300 million in tax revenue each year, about as much as the U.S. government spends in 45 minutes.
Republicans are eyeing an overhaul of the tax code as well to try to lower corporate and personal income tax rates. That could lead to a longer depreciation period for business-plane buyers, but industry officials and advocates said they wouldn't necessarily object as long as their sector were not singled out.
"They're perfectly prepared to be part of a solution for corporate tax reform," said Pompeo, who ran an aerospace parts supplier before his election to the U.S. House of Representatives in 2010.
Analysts say the business-plane industry probably wouldn't see much change if Congress stretched the five-year depreciation schedule to seven years, because taxes are only one factor that businesses consider in buying planes. The change also wouldn't apply to the 60 percent of sales that are made abroad.
"It can help, but it certainly doesn't make or break the industry," said aviation consultant Brian Foley.
Others say that Obama already has hurt the industry even though his tax proposal hasn't advanced in Congress.
As he strolls through the repair bays and passenger lounges at Yingling Aviation, a truck stop of sorts for private planes next to Wichita's Mid-Continent Airport, owner Lynn Nichols says Obama's rhetoric has led some of his customers to park their jets to avoid stigma.
Decisions like that translate into less maintenance work for Yingling, fewer plane sales for manufacturers and lower sales at area grocery stores, he said.
"I think Obama's been able to demonstrate to everybody he's a pretty good politician, but I just wish he'd be more mindful of the hurt that he creates," Nichols said.
While Obama has argued that business-plane buyers should pay more taxes, he has backed other tax breaks that could help the industry.
He has extended a temporary recession-fighting measure four times that would allow businesses to write off 50 percent of the cost of new capital purchases in the first year - a much more dramatic break than would otherwise be granted under the tax code. Plane manufacturers say they see an uptick in sales toward the end of every year as customers decide that the enhanced tax break provides enough incentive to make a purchase.
Obama also has proposed additional tax breaks for domestic manufacturers, though that measure has not become law.
The president's overall message is "a bit schizophrenic, isn't it?" said Brad Thress, Cessna's senior vice president of business jets.
Obama allies say the tax breaks favored by the president make more sense because they seek to boost economic activity as a whole.
The five-year depreciation schedule, by contrast, amounts to a special break for private-plane buyers who can afford to pay a bit more to help reduce the deficit, they say.
"If you can afford to buy a private jet, you can afford to depreciate it over seven years," Linden said. "Show me any mom-and-pop hardware store that owns a corporate jet, and I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn."
Chuck Pierson doesn't run a hardware store. But the Wichita dentist says it would be much harder to keep up with new developments in his field without his propeller-driven Cessna 421, which he has flown to out-of-the-way places like Bozeman, Montana, to examine new equipment and learn how to train his staff on new techniques.
Pierson said tax benefits were a factor when he was deciding whether to upgrade from a smaller aircraft in 2011. Aircraft purchases shouldn't be treated differently from the other equipment he and his partners have bought to improve their practice, which employs 30 people.
"They might think that it's a luxury, that we like to go around on Saturday afternoons and buzz fields or something, but it's a vehicle just like any other type of transportation for us," he said.
(Editing by David Lindsey and Tim Dobbyn)
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From Nevada to New Jersey, states are lining up to legislate their way into the next big billion dollar market ? online gambling and mobile real-money casino games and apps.
In the background of statewide efforts to legalize online gaming, efforts to pass a national bill pertinent to the cause are gaining steam. Legislation that opens the door to online gambling in the U.S. could be introduced into the U.S. House of Representatives within weeks.
Recent reports indicate that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada) is in the process of building a coalition to support sweeping legislation related to online gambling.
?I think the states? passage gives some incentive to the federal government to act,? Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas), author of the failed 2011 online poker bill, recently said in an interview. ?Whether you?re for or against Internet gambling? you don?t want 50 sets of state laws. You want uniformity.?
In recent years, proposed federal legislation has only been aimed at the regulation of Internet poker. Other forms of online gambling have remained prohibited.
According to the American Gaming Association, approximately 85 nations have already legalized online gambling with an estimated $35 billion bet worldwide (online) on an annual basis. The AGA projects that the U.S. market will touch $10 billion annually by 2017 (that?s up from $4 billion in ?unauthorized gambling? in 2011.)
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